Imagine what it would be like to re-live those special moments, time and again. With our wedding and event videography services, YOU CAN! We’ve got you covered.

All Your Photo and Video Needs Managed in One Place
- Engagement session
- Wedding/event photography
- Wedding/event cinematography
- Drone Footage
- Photo booth with prints
- 360 photo booth (video)
- Wedding highlight videos
- Social media reels
- Proposal coverage (photo/video)
- How we met (video)
- Wedding albums
- Thank You cards
- Photo booth with prints
- Same day edit (wedding video)
- Online gallery
- and more!
We Promise You an Excellent Experience. You Will Love What You See.
Don’t Forget the Photo Booth!
There’s no better way to make your wedding, birthday, or other event unforgettable than with a photo booth. Getting family and friends together in a photo booth is fun and creates an energetic “buzz” throughout the event. The best part is that you and your guests get to keep the photos as a party favor!
Choose from our popular 360-degree booths, traditional photo booths, and selfie booths. Our photo booth services guarantee that you and your guests have a blast—and the memories to prove it!

J Martin Weddings
When you are unwilling to compromise on quality, you seek the best. That is what you will find in J Martin Weddings and Events. As a subsidiary of JM Multimedia Group, J Martin Weddings has a diverse team of photographers and cinematographers. This ensures that a professional with at least 10 years of experience will be capturing your wedding. Our video production team from camera man to editors artist that passionate about what they do. Our Luxury package don’t start on your wedding day, it start from the day you book your wedding.
J Martin Wedding Photography
Weddings are one of the biggest purchases most people make in their life. Our team of experienced photographers gets to know you personally and learns about what makes you unique. Years after your big day, when the excitement and novelty wear off, we make sure that you remember the special story of your love through photos and videos. No Matter if you’re doing a courthouse wedding, In Your Home, Event space, or in a Grand Ballroom, you deserve a professional photographer and great video production.